Aproxima-se o dia do Pai, e como não poderia deixar de ser, grandes tarefas nos esperam assim como alguma imaginação, para ajudar os nossos alunos a prepararem umas prendas originais para oferecer aos seus pais ou àquela pessoa especial que para eles tem o papel de pai.
Ficam aqui algumas ideias.

Por vezes o pai precisa de descansar e não ser incomodado, nada como colocar um belo aviso na porta. Uma placa de madeira, recortada à medida ou comprada já com o formato (como foi o caso), tintas e imaginação para decorar.
Espero que estas ideias vos inspirem e que tenham um belo dia do pai, com os que vos são queridos.
Approaching Father's Day, and how it would be expected, great tasks lie ahead and some imagination to help our students prepare some original gift to offer to their fathers or that special person, who, for them have the father's role .
Here are some ideas.
To hang pictures, portraits, whatever you want. This work was created for Mother's Day, but is also a nice gift for the father. Simple to do, a wooden plate, springs and a wire.
Because recycle and reuse is always in style and is good for the environment, with "junk" we can create beautiful objects. Here goes the most simple to do. A carton of milk, a tin of sausages, a box of matches, wool and paper to decorate. This way, parents will have a nice support for the pencils, pens, paper clips and all that stuff they need to save, to put on their desks to remember, at the same time, their children.
Sometimes the father needs to rest and not be bothered. There is nothing like putting a nice sign on the door. A wooden board, cut to measure, or bought already with the format (as was the case), paint and imagination to decorate.
Nothing like a little game to relax between father and son. Buying a box of dominoes, decorating with paint and a beautiful wrapping, we have a beautiful gift.
I hope these ideas inspire you and hope you all have a nice father's day, with your dear ones.
Ana Arada
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