Há uns anos, perante algumas dificuldades, manifestadas pelos meus alunos, decidi criar alguns jogos didáticos para os ajudar a superar algumas dificuldades na área de matemática. Esta é a área que os alunos têm manifestado muitas dificuldades, e é algo que necessitamos de trabalhar muito. Não podemos esquecer que eles só terão sucesso contando também com a ajuda e acompanhamento dos Pais e Encarregados de Educação e, acima de tudo, com o seu empenho e estudo diário nesta área.
Jogo da Batalha com os número decimais
Um dia, enquanto pesquisava, em vários sites, ideias para trabalhar com os alunos, eis que surgiu um jogo com os números inteiros para trabalhar com alunos do 1º e 2º anos. Não me recordo do site, nem da autora do jogo, mas deixo aqui os parabéns pela bela ideia.
Inspirada no jogo de cartas Batalha e na ideia dessa professora, criei este jogo para trabalhar a numeração decimal, a sua leitura e compreensão dos números maiores e menores.
Regras: As cartas são todas distribuidas pelos alunos (máximo 8) e cada um fica com o seu monte de cartas virado para baixo. Todos retiram a carta de baixo e olham para os números, o que tiver o número maior recolhe o jogo e coloca-o na parte de cima do seu monte. Ganha quem ficar com as cartas todas. Quando os números maiores coincidem ser iguais, os alunos que deitaram essas cartas tiram duas cartas do seu jogo, colocando uma virada para baixo e outra para cima, o que tiver a carta maior ganha.
Durante o jogo, os alunos deverão fazer a leitura dos números que saem.
Paciência com a numeração romana
Um das dificuldades dos alunos é memorizar e relacionar a numeração romana com a numeração árabe. Para ajudar os alunos, criei este jogo que se joga com as regras do jogo de cartas Paciência.
Regras: Colocam-se todas as cartas viradas para baixo. Os jogadores (máximo 8) viram duas cartas de cada vez de forma a fazer pares. O objetivo é encontar o correspondente ao número da primeira carta na numeração árabe ou romana, conforme o caso.
Ex: Se sair o número 2, o seu par será II. Se sair XI o seu par será 11.
A few years ago, faced with some difficulties expressed by my students, I decided to create some didactic games to help them overcome some difficulties in the area of mathematics. This is the area that students have expressed many difficulties, and is something that we need to work hard. We must not forget that they only succeed also with the aid, help and guidance of Parents and the student commitment and daily study in this area.
Game of Battle with the decimal number
One day, while I was searching, on various websites, ideas to work with my students, there was a game to work the nunbers with students of 1st and 2nd grade. I don't recall of the website, nor the author of the game, but I leave here the congratulations for the beautiful idea.
Inspired by the Battle card game and the idea of this Teacher, I have created this game to work the decimal numbering, ande the reading and understanding of major and minor numbers.
Rules: The cards are all distributed by students (maximum 8) and each one gets their lot of cards face down. All withdraw the card below and look for the numbers, the one o has put the larger number collects the game and puts it on top of his mount. Wins the one who stays with all the cards. When the larger numbers match be equal, students who ended these letters take two cards from their game, putting on card with the face down and one up. Who has the bigger card wins.
During the game, students should make the reading of the numbers that apears in the cards.
One day, while I was searching, on various websites, ideas to work with my students, there was a game to work the nunbers with students of 1st and 2nd grade. I don't recall of the website, nor the author of the game, but I leave here the congratulations for the beautiful idea.
Inspired by the Battle card game and the idea of this Teacher, I have created this game to work the decimal numbering, ande the reading and understanding of major and minor numbers.
Rules: The cards are all distributed by students (maximum 8) and each one gets their lot of cards face down. All withdraw the card below and look for the numbers, the one o has put the larger number collects the game and puts it on top of his mount. Wins the one who stays with all the cards. When the larger numbers match be equal, students who ended these letters take two cards from their game, putting on card with the face down and one up. Who has the bigger card wins.
During the game, students should make the reading of the numbers that apears in the cards.
Patience with the roman numeral
One of the difficulties of pupils is to remember and relate to Roman numeral with Arabic numerals. To help students, I have created this game that plays with the rules of Cribbage Patience.
Rules: Place all cards face down. Players (maximum 8) see two cards and try to find the pair. The goal is to find the corresponding to the number of first card that he/she turns up in Arabic numerals or Roman, as the case may be.
Ex: If you turn the card with number 2, it's pair is II. If you turn the card with XI it's pair will be 11.

One of the difficulties of pupils is to remember and relate to Roman numeral with Arabic numerals. To help students, I have created this game that plays with the rules of Cribbage Patience.
Rules: Place all cards face down. Players (maximum 8) see two cards and try to find the pair. The goal is to find the corresponding to the number of first card that he/she turns up in Arabic numerals or Roman, as the case may be.
Ex: If you turn the card with number 2, it's pair is II. If you turn the card with XI it's pair will be 11.

Ana Arada
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